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Rapport d'activité 2024 d'Engineers Europe

Rapport d'activité 2024 d'Engineers Europe    


Engineers Europe Activity Report 2024




Since 1 September 2024, Ms. Rita HEISSNER, who retired as Secretary of ENGINEERS EUROPE in July after 22 years of service, has been replaced by Ms. Rita REIS from Portugal as Assistant to the Secretary General. She will, together with Ms. Inès CRAUWELS, ensure the coordination and follow-up of the ENGINEERS EUROPE meetings.




Inès CRAUWELS                                                                      Rita REIS






The first Executive Board meeting of 2024 took place on 5 April 2024, in Düsseldorf, hosted by VDI. The discussions focused on strategic initiatives, ongoing projects and the continued promotion of engineering excellence across Europe. The event began with a welcome and introduction by Mr. Adrian WILLING, Executive Director of VDI, who provided an overview of VDI’s structure and highlighted ongoing efforts to attract new members and increase the profession's visibility. The meeting in Düsseldorf reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to advancing the engineering profession and building a sustainable future.



6th Executive Board Meeting, 5 April 2024, Düsseldorf


On 28 June 2024 the Executive Board met in Hamburg at the kind invitation of Dr. Astrid PETERSEN at the TÜV NORD GROUP. As an esteemed member of the European Engineering Skills Council, she gave a presentation on figures, data and facts of TÜV Nord and its expertise worldwide. Driving innovation, rethinking business models, promoting the development of skilled workers and the promotion of future-oriented topics, including global labor dynamics and integration of technology and digital competencies.



7th Executive Board Meeting, 28 June 2024, Hamburg


The most recent Executive Board meeting took place on 13 December 2024, at NITO’s offices in Oslo. The meeting focused on strategic advancements, including insights from the E4E-Project Roadshow events held in Lisbon, Bratislava and Berlin. The interlinkage of the E4E Project with the Draghi Report and the engagement with EU policy-makers were noted as key priorities. Network updates included the next steps for the WG on SDG 7, and defining the scope of the WG on Artificial Intelligence. The meeting concluded with planning  ENGINEERS EUROPE events in 2025.



8th Executive Board Meeting, 13 December 2024, Oslo





The National Members' Forum meets twice per year, with the first in 2024 taking place on 30 May 2024 in Dublin and the second digitally on 10 October 2024. On 10 October 2024, the National Members' Forum meeting covered recent and ongoing initiatives to strengthen collaboration and best practice exchange between National Members. Key discussions included creating a new AI-focused WG, feedback on the SDG7 WG's draft document and presentations on member engagement and communication strategies. Updates on the E4E-Project and fundraising initiatives were also highlighted, along with a proposal for supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts.

The General Assembly Meeting also happens twice per year, with the first of 2024 taking place on 31 May 2024 in Dublin and the second digitally on 11 October 2024. The General Assembly meeting on 11 October 2024, was attended by 50 participants, representing 30 NMs to discuss key organizational and strategic developments. Major topics included:

  1.  E4E Project and Engineering Skills Strategy: NMs reviewed E4E-Project advancements. The final version of the Skills Strategy is due by August 2025, NMs were encouraged to send any comments or suggestions for improvement of the current version.

  2.  EUR ING for non-EHEA candidates: The EMC (European Monitoring Committee) which exists since the late 1980's will from 2025 onwards ensure that applicants from non-EHEA countries can apply for the EUR ING Certificate. The EUR ING is designed as a guarantee of competence for professional engineers to facilitate the movement of practicing engineers within and outside the geographical area represented by ENGINEERS EUROPE's member countries and to establish a framework of mutual recognition of qualifications in order to enable engineers who wish to practice outside their own country. Anyone interested can retrieve more information by clicking the button below.


About the EUR ING certificate



General Assembly Meeting, 31 May 2024, Dublin





The Regional National Members’ Meetings were in 2024 hosted by our National Members of Estonia (North), Portugal (South), and Slovenia (Central). They took place respectively in Tallinn on 13 September, Lisbon on 20 September and Maribor on 4 October. These events provide a platform for fostering collaboration and strengthening the ties between the NMs within each region. During the meetings, the NMs reported about their latest activities at national level, noted the recent developments and future activities of the E4E-Project and engaged in region-specific discussions, while exchanging best practices. These meetings foster an open dialogue and promote active involvement in matters of common interest. They are crucial in building a more connected and impactful engineering community across Europe. Much appreciation therefore goes to all National Members who hosted these events and contributed to the fruitful discussions.



North Regional Meeting, 13 September 2024, Tallinn




South Regional Meeting, 20 September 2024, Lisbon




Central Regional Meeting, 4 October 2024, Maribor



    V. MANIFESTO 2024    


The Manifesto 2024 highlights concerns over the shortage of engineers in Europe and its impact on competitiveness. Our Organization emphasizes the importance of mobility and recognition of qualifications through the EUR ING Certificate. With a focus on developing skills for digital and green transitions, ENGINEERS EUROPE leads initiatives to attract talent and strengthen lifelong learning. The publication was sent to all NMs and to newly elected MEPs and EU Commissioners, who also received our Annual Report 2022-2023.








ENGINEERS EUROPE recently released the first version of the European Engineering Skills Strategy. This research work – which aims to bridge the skills gap in Europe’s engineering sector – is one of the major objectives of the Engineers4Europe-Project (E4E), financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+. The e-publication was developed with the contributions from 61 experts representing 27 institutions, universities and professional organizations, from 13 EU countries.





Through extensive primary and secondary research - including two Europe-wide surveys addressed to Europe’s engineering community and resulting into 7.757 responses - the strategy highlights the critical gap between the demand and supply side of engineering skills. The 62-page document provides not only an analysis, but also clear recommendations for higher education institutions, professional organizations, industry leaders and policymakers. It aims at fostering a workforce equipped to meet the future demands of the engineering sector. In particular it emphasizes the need for holistic skills development by integrating both technical and non-technical skills in the engineering education and addresses the challenges of the green and digital transition. Furthermore, it includes 15 best practice examples highlighting recent successful initiatives in Europe aimed at bridging the skills gap. The European Engineering Skills Council, which was established as an integral part and major objective of the E4E-Project, will play a key role in implementing the strategy and ensuring ongoing collaboration among stakeholders. This Council will become an integral part and body within ENGINEERS EUROPE.

ENGINEERS EUROPE as E4E-Project Leader invites all relevant stakeholders to review and provide feedback on this first draft document. Comments and suggestions will help finalize the strategy by August 2025. Feedback is welcomed at e4e@engineerseurope.com.





On 21-22 September 2023 the E4E-Project met for a physical meeting in Brussels. On the first day of the meeting, an overview was provided of the work accomplished after exactly one year since the project started. Milestones that were achieved - in a timely manner and in line with the project objectives - related in particular to the establishment of the European Engineering Skills Council. The “Rules of Procedure” of the Skills Council were developed and each consortium partner nominated an expert as Member. Chair and Secretariat of the Skills Council are ensured by ENGINEERS EUROPE. EYE (European Young Engineers) and BEST (Board of Engineering Students) participated as Observer Members and will continue to be invited. Mrs Maria da Graça Martins da Silva CARVALHO then MEP, now Portuguese Minister of Energy and Environment and herself an engineer, shortly addressed the Council with supporting words. The Council now consists of 24 people with various backgrounds from industry, the academic world and professional Organizations.



1st Engineering Skills Council Meeting, 21-22 September 2023, Brussels



The E4E-Project team also gathered in Madrid for its physical meeting on 14-15 March 2024. The meeting brought together experts from various institutions across Europe to collaborate on the project's development. The agenda covered updates on various aspects of the project. Partners engaged in an open debate to enhance the methodology, data collection practices and lessons learned.



E4E Meeting, 14-15 March 2024, Madrid


The European Engineering Skills Council convened again in Brussels on 16-17 May 2024, to discuss the profession's challenges from different stakeholder angles, in order to analyze current trends and to develop the European Engineering Skills Strategy. The Council noted the E4E-project's progress and split up into respective groups to formulate actionable measures relating to the various stakeholder groups. The formulated opinions and recommendations have been integrated into the draft European Engineering Skills Strategy, of which final publication is due by August 2025.



2nd Engineering Skills Council Meeting, 16-17 May 2024, Brussels


The 4th E4E Project Meeting and the 3rd Skills Council Meeting subsequently took place on 5–6 December 2024 at TU Berlin. The gathering reviewed the project progress and validated the E4E training platform for 4 micro-credentials that have been developed on green, digital, life and entrepreneurial skills. We thank all those who contributed to this event and VDI and the Technical University of Berlin, in particular, for hosting the meeting.



3rd Engineering Skills Council Meeting, 6 December 2024, Berlin





As part of the "Engineers4Europe Roadshow Events" the Ordem dos Engenheiros organized the Forum “Competences in Engineering” in Lisbon on 17 September 2024 at the auditorium of their National Headquarters. The event was organized in the light of the E4E-Project in collaboration with the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) and brought together representatives from Portuguese universities, professional associations and engineering companies.  President Fernando DE ALMEIDA SANTOS opened the event followed by presentations of Prof. Sebastião Feyo DE AZEVEDO and Dirk BOCHAR.  The remainder of the day provided for various round table discussions, focusing on the competencies needed to train engineers, assessing the profession's challenges and the role of continuing education from the viewpoint of industry.




Forum "Competences in Engineering", 17 September 2024, Lisbon


The "Conference on Science and Technology" took place on 7 November 2024 in Bratislava as part of the Science and Technology Week in Slovakia and as one of the E4E Roadshow events. Organized by the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies (ZSVTS) in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) and Newport Group (NG), the event highlighted critical environmental challenges and sustainable solutions. The central theme of the conference was Global Environmental Problems, with a focus on two key areas: Water and Waste Management. The event also explored the role of education in fostering green competencies, including presentations on international cooperation through initiatives like the E4E-Project.



"Conference on Science and Technology", 7 November 2024, Bratislava


On 6 December 2024 leaders, educators and industry experts gathered at TU Berlin for the event "Zukunft Deutschland 2050" (Competencies for the Engineers of the Future), a Roadshow Event as part of the E4E Project organized by VDI. The discussions focused on the evolving skills landscape for engineers, strategies for fostering technical literacy from a young age and inspiring innovation across Europe. The event included keynote presentations on addressing future competency needs and two round table discussions, moderated by R. APPEL, ENGINEERS EUROPE President, featuring voices from academia, industry and young engineers. The event closed with a lively networking session and an open-space discussion on future qualifications.




"Zukunft Deutschland 2050", 6 December 2024, Berlin





The EMC (European Monitoring Committee) held its most recent meeting on 9-10 December 2024 at the "Haus der Ingenieure" in Vienna, Austria. Key outcomes included progress on the implementation of the EUR ING 2.0 framework, particularly regarding Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines. Members discussed strategies for communicating CPD requirements to national members, updating the E-application tool for the EUR ING and supporting implementation at the national level. Additionally, updates on remote maintenance renewals for NMs and future meetings were confirmed.



EMC Meeting, 9-10 December 2024, Vienna





On 6 February the “Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sainte-Etienne” (FR) invited ENGINEERS EUROPE to give a presentation on future challenges of the engineering profession to an audience of international students in mechanical engineering in the light of their joint master under ERASMUS Mundus. meta4.0 is a 2-year Master’s programme fully taught in English and jointly offered by six universities in France, Slovenia, Norway, Germany and Italy with one primary objective: facing the future challenges of Manufacturing 4.0 by educating a new generation of students to a level of excellence in digital manufacturing, clean manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing and smart manufacturing. Becoming “greener” is expected to create more than 1 million jobs by 2030, while there are already currently 1 million vacancies in Europe for digital technology experts. Today, 70% of companies report that they cannot find the people with the right skills. meta4.0 has been designed to respond to the needs of society and the labour market. The graduates will become the future manufacturing experts that will work worldwide and upgrade the skills in the current industry to fill the gaps. The consortium meta4.0 has been designed to respond to the needs of society and the labour market and turn top talents into professionals able to build and master green manufacturing technologies, including digital aspects and help minimising the environmental footprint of the industry.



Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sainte-Etienne, 6 February 2024, Sainte-Etienne


On 20 May, ENGINEERS EUROPE become member of the Executive Council of the IACEE, the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education. The IACEE, which exists since 1989, held its 19th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education in Comillas, Cantabria (Spain) and elected with Mr. Robert PRAKASH (Stanford Center for Professional Development, USA) a new President. On the picture, IACEE's outgoing President Mrs. Soma CHAKRABARTI and outgoing Secretary General, Prof. Nelson BAKER (Georgia Tech, Atlanta). Mr. Dirk BOCHAR presented the E4E-Project and the draft European Engineering Skills Strategy at the conference.




19th IACEE World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, 20 May 2024, Comillas


At the SEFI - European Society for Engineering Education Deans Convention on 12-14 June 2024, ENGINEERS EUROPE Secretary General, Mr. Dirk BOCHAR, delivered a keynote speech at the University of Sheffield (UK), exploring whether higher education is still fit for purpose. The event covered structural, technological and change-related challenges in higher education. Traditional hierarchies and silos were discussed for their potential to both inhibit and support innovation. The importance of embracing digital advances like AI while maintaining the human element in teaching was emphasized. Effective leadership and clear missions were identified as crucial for facilitating change. Additional discussions highlighted student involvement, European partnerships, sustainable teaching practices and the role of educators in leading transformations.



SEFI Deans Convention, 12-14 June 2024, Sheffield


ENGINEERS EUROPE was also present at the SEFI 2024 Annual Conference on 2-5 September at EPFL in Lausanne. The event brought together leading voices in engineering education to discuss the latest advancements, challenges and innovations shaping the future of the profession. Mr. BOCHAR's participation reinforced the commitment of ENGINEERS EUROPE to fostering collaboration and excellence in engineering education across Europe. The SEFI Conference continues to serve as a vital platform for building stronger connections between educators, industry leaders and policymakers, ensuring that the engineering profession remains at the forefront of global challenges and opportunities.



SEFI 2024 Annual Conference, 2-5 September 2024, Lausanne


ENGINEERS EUROPE then participated in the 16th Organization, Technology and Management International Conference (OTM) and the 2nd IPMA Global Project Profession Forum, held in Šibenik on 25-28 September. Organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb, in collaboration with the International Project Management Association (IPMA), buildingSMART, the Croatian Association for Project Management and the Croatian Association for Construction Management, the event brought together professionals from across the globe to engage in discussions on advancing project management and technology. As part of its commitment to supporting the engineering profession, ENGINEERS EUROPE delivered a key presentation focused on the latest developments within the E4E-Project. ENGINEERS EUROPE’s participation underlined its role in shaping the future of the engineering profession and facilitating dialogue on essential skills and standards needed to meet the challenges of tomorrow.



16th Organization, Technology and Management International Conference (OTM) and 2nd IPMA Global Project Profession Forum, 25-28 September 2024, Šibenik (HR)


The Bulgarian National Member of ENGINEERS EUROPE recently hosted in Sofia the RAILWAY FORUM 2024, organized by the Union of European Railway Engineer Associations (UEEIV) on 8-9 November 2024. Major topic of the Conference was “The Future of Railway Interoperability”. The event brought together professionals from across Europe to engage in discussions on the implementation of a Single European Railway Area (SERA). UEEIV is an umbrella organization of railway engineers across Europe, which was founded more than 30 years ago to facilitate a Europe-wide continuous railway system. As a cooperation platform for stakeholders in the railway sector, a core function of the UEEIV is the certification of engineers to EURAIL-ING, which improves their chances on the international job market. As part of its commitment to supporting the engineering profession, our Secretary General, Mr. Dirk BOCHAR, was present to promote the EUR ING Certificate, as a mark of professional competence recognized across Europe. ENGINEERS EUROPE extends its gratitude to UEEIV President, Mr Olaf SCHOLTZ-KNOBLOCH, for the opportunity to participate in this event.



RAILWAY FORUM 2024, 8-9 November 2024, Sofia


ENGINEERS EUROPE was invited at "BEST Conference Day: Empowering Youth in Tech" organized by BEST, the “Board of European Students of Technology” on 20 November 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia. This event brought together around 200 attendees, including engineering students, international peers and leading companies. ENGINEERS EUROPE presented the latest developments of the E4E-Project, highlighting the microcredential courses that all engineering students will be invited to take part in. We are pleased to be part of such initiatives and to contribute to shaping the future of engineering.



BEST Conference Day, 20 November 2024, Tallinn


Furthermore, the Organization was present at "Which and How Many Engineers for Tomorrow?" organized by CDEFI, the “Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs” held on 27 November at Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot Curie in Brussels. The Secretary-General, Mr. Dirk BOCHAR, represented ENGINEERS EUROPE during the Round Table Discussion on "The Current Situation of Engineers in Europe, Comparisons Between Different European Countries, Prospects and Needs." He emphasized the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the engineering profession in Europe. He highlighted the difficulty of establishing a harmonized definition of engineer across the continent, noting that the term gains professional significance only when tied to a specific discipline, such as electrical or mechanical engineering. To meet the European Union's ambitious goal of training one million new engineers annually, Mr. Dirk BOCHAR outlined three critical priorities: attracting more students to engineering programs, modernizing curricula to align with industry demands and better preparing graduates with practical skills for the evolving job market. He also addressed the importance of cross-border mobility for engineers, describing it as essential for Europe’s competitiveness. However, he identified obstacles such as bureaucratic inefficiencies and concerns over brain drain as countries hesitate to lose their engineering talent to others. To overcome these challenges, he recommended pragmatic approaches, including bilateral agreements with countries outside Europe to attract talent and address skill shortages. Mr. Dirk BOCHAR further called for greater involvement of engineers in politics, arguing that their expertise is vital in tackling global issues such as energy sustainability, artificial intelligence and climate change. He expressed concern over the limited representation of engineers in European political institutions, noting that only 4.5% of newly elected Members of the European Parliament have an engineering educational background. For Europe to remain competitive and self-reliant in critical sectors engineers must play a more active role in shaping policies and guiding the continent's future.





"Which and How Many Engineers for Tomorrow?" by CDEFI, 27 November 2024, Brussels


On 28 November, the international logistics supplier KATOEN NATIE, held a major reception in Antwerp to present the publication of the book “De Boerentoren”. Since 1931, the Boerentoren has been a majestic landmark on Antwerp's skyline. As Europe's first skyscraper (85 m), it is much more than a building : it symbolises innovation, boldness and pride. Its rich history also makes it a silent witness to the many historical events that have shaped not only Antwerp but also Flanders and Belgium. Mr Fernand HUTS, entrepreneur, politician, art collector, President of KATOEN NATIE and since 2021 owner of the Boerentoren, presented, the beautifully illustrated book that takes us on a time journey through the history of this architectural masterpiece. ENGINEERS EUROPE organised its ‘Central Regional Meeting’ in September 2023 at the headquarters of KATOEN NATIE. Our Secretary General congratulated Mr F. HUTS for his entrepreneurial spirit, his passion and his incomparable commitment to preserving our cultural heritage.




Publication of the book “De Boerentoren”, 28 November 2024, Antwerp


The “New Economy Forum” invited ENGINEERS EUROPE to take part in the “breakfast meeting” of 29 November with AIRBUS Chief Executive Officer, Mr Guillaume FAURY, at the “Cercle Royal Gaulois” in Brussels. Forum Europa started its activities in Brussels at the beginning of this year, under the motto "Ideas to Strengthen the Union" and has organized so far six events. Mr. Guillaume FAURY, was introduced by Mr Josep BORRELL, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs. Mr G. FAURY amplified the importance of ensuring our future European competitiveness as described in the Draghi Report. He felt our competitiveness is in danger if we can not consolidate our demand and remain fragmented in Europe. AIRBUS is an example “par excellence” of cross-border co-operation in Europe. We need more of these larger European projects.




New Economy Forum, 29 November 2024, Brussels


ENGINEERS EUROPE was also present at the 20th birthday celebration of the European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC) Liaison Group on 11 December 2024. This event marked two decades of fostering dialogue and cooperation between civil society organizations across Europe. As a member of the Liaison Group, ENGINEERS EUROPE promotes engineering and societal progress by amplifying the voice of engineers in shaping policies that drive innovation.



EESC President Mr Oliver RÖPKE (AT) and Mr Dirk BOCHAR





  *   ExBo Meeting, TelCo, 28 February 2025
  *   WG Future Engineers, Eindhoven, TBD
  *   ExBo Meeting, Antwerp, 24 March 2025
  *   EMC Meeting, TelCo, 24 March 2025
  *   South Regional Meeting, TelCo, 17 April 2025
  *   Central Regional Meeting, TelCo, 24 April 2025
  *   North Regional Meeting, TelCo, 25 April 2025
  *   ExBo Meeting, TelCo, 16 May 2025
  *   National Members' Forum, Zürich, 22 May 2025
  *   General Assembly, Zürich, 23 May 2025
  *   EMC Meeting, Split, 3-4 June 2025
  *   ExBo Meeting, Brussels, 24 June 2025
  *   ExBo Meeting, TelCo, 5 September 2025
  *   North Regional Meeting, Copenhagen, 12 September 2025
  *   EMC Meeting, TelCo, 17 September 2025
  *   Central Regional Meeting, TBD, 19 September 2025
  *   South Regional Meeting, TBD, 26 September 2025
  *   National Members' Forum, TelCo, 29 September 2025
  *   General Assembly, TelCo, 30 September 2025
  *   ExBo Meeting, TelCo, 31 October 2025
  *   EMC Meeting, TBD, December 2025
  *   ExBo Meeting, Brussels, 5 December 2025


ENGINEERS EUROPE sends its warmest wishes for a prosperous 2025!
May the year ahead bring you success and growth.








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